Selected Works

Gilbert and George

1992 & 2000

Grace Jones and Philip Treacy

Editions available soon

1998, hotel suite in London

“Kevin thought it would begin at 8.00 p.m. but we didn’t get started until 1.00 a.m., which was the perfect time for Grace. She’s a vampire, a legend, a classic Hollywood star; a delicious nightmare and sharp as razor blades. Grace is a force of nature.” – Philip Treacy

Make-up by Topolino

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Frank Auerbach

Editions available soon

Kevin first photographed Auerbach in 2001 at his London studio. The following year, Kevin had the rare opportunity to photograph Auerbach with his friend Lucien Freud. It was a special moment for both the photographer and the artists; Freud later gifted Auerbach a line-drawing of Kevin’s photograph of them.

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